_______._ _._ <<(· THE YARD ·)>> \ . ______ _______ ____._ ¡/ \ |_ / / ___ \ _____\ ¡ | 1\36k6 sLOT·2\iSDN sLOTS _\ (__\\____/__\ /______\ _/ \ | | 4\iSDN sTATIC tELNET sLOTS /__________________/ /________\mt^lp| | aMIGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·iBM _ ________ _ ____ ________ | | aSCii·liNUX·hiPHOP·dAYdREAM \ \ /// ________./ ¡\ / | | aEROHOLiCS·dISCIPLES oF aGEEMA \ \____/ _ /¡ _|_\ \__| | sOiA·lP!·oMEN·aRCADE·pUREpHUN \ \ \____\ \!___/ \____/ _!___ ______ ________________________\_____\__/________: \____________._ · \\ \\ ________________\ ! \_____\\______________\ cONTACTING: · zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · __ ._ __ (__ | ) (_/__ _________________..::::. _ _________ _________ .___\ / .:::·· .::·__________ ________.____ ./__\ / | \ / | . .::· /___. _/ _____| _/ _/ \_\ / | \ \ / ' __::.:::_\__ _ __/_ |__\___ __l__. \ / \ / | \ /_______/ ::::· \____ ___/ | / \ ' |___\_____/\ / l____\ /[rLf] .::::::. \____/\___ . __/_______| oS!l___\ / \/ : ··::::... \__|__/ \/ · ···· p a l a c e * MOT!ON HQ * * TRADERS DREAN HQ * * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ * * DREAMCHART HQ * * HOODLUM DK HQ * * DATA DIVISION EHQ * * PUZZLES HQ * a4ooo/o4o/25/2.5Gb/1x33.6DS/1x28.8DS/1x16.8DS Amiga/Ascii/Consol/PSX tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn ZINKO^PLAYMATE^SISko^BILBO BAGGIn^NEIL/FLT^LABEL/LSD-DD UFOK/MsT^LsD^PsG^iHS^FURY/PSG/M!/SYS/HLM^DELIVERYMAN <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0> Sat Aug 12 11:16:06 1995 .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· .::· back again is... ._______._______. .____._______._______. l_ _ ¬l_ _ ¬l__| ¬l___ ¬| ¬| | l____j | | | | | |__¡ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ___ | | | | | | | | Ý ¯^æ¤*o#_ ........ ........... | \_ . _Pæ ::::. .... ::::: . | æ¬ . :::: ....... :::: ::::: ·æ¤°*w._ | | JP | :::: ::::::: ::::·::::' ¶o ¬# | | JF. | :::: ::::::: :::: ::::. JF _JF | | JF | | :::: ::::::: :::: ::::: °¶*o*° | J# | | :::: ::::::: :::: ::::: . | ,J _, :::: ::::::: :::: ::::: | | °=====*°¯ `::::::::::' :::: ::::: | | . . . . . . . . . | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ! | ! | | | | | | l | | | | | | | | l___ l___ l__| | | | l_______| l____| l____| l____| l____| -DtN of ................ ................. ........ ·aRT- .........::::::::: ..........::::::::: ::::::::: ·aRT- cORE! ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::' ::::::::::::::::: cORE! ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ......... `::::::::.`:::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: `::::::::.::::::::' .............. Mo!.........:::::::::................... ................. :::::::: `:::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ..........::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::: :::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::' :::::::::.:::::::' :::::::: ........ ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: ......... `:::::::.:::::::: `::::::::.::::::::' ::::::::: ::::::::: `::::::::.::::::::: U-MAN · TREACH · TANGO · H2o! · STYLEZ · RAPiD MOGUE · MR.VAiN · MANTA · COUNT ZERO · 2fAST and __ _\/_ .------------------------------------------------\/\/--. | _____ _____ -TRE! | | \ _/ \ _/ | _____________. _|________\/__.__________ ._\/__.___ _________ «------.| .-»/ ____/ ___|_/ ___ / | _____/_|. | Y___ /_________||_ | /__________/\______\`-----/_____l___ \__ |____|_____\/ //_________:_/ `------------------------------------\_________|----------/____/-----------'| | | | TANGo ÷ TWiSTER ÷ S/\L-1 ÷ JMF ÷ Z!N ÷ MiC FLAiR | | COUNT ZER0 ÷ iCON ÷ GODFATHER ÷ COUNT-ZER0 ÷ HOTWiRE | `---!--------------------------aC!---------------------' and · _ _ _ _ _ : __/\ __j \ ___/\ __| \ _ _/\ __j \ _ _/\ __j \ _ _/\ __j \ ____ +- \_/ \_ _______/ \_ l \ \_/ \_ __ \ \_/ \_ __ \ \_/ \ ________/ ¦ _/\_______ \_ _____ \ | \ | \ \/ \_ : \_ l \_ | \_ l \_ l \_ \_ · +-. \________ __/__| __/____ __/_____ __/____ __/ : `-----+-\___/\/-----l___/\/--+--\___/\/-----\___/\/-----\___/\/----+- - c0! : s h o o t ! : : - -+----------------- -- -+- - aC! : · · and ________ h o n e y /\ .___-nUp! .___ .___ \ / . / \____|_ \ ___|_ \ __|_ \_\ /-\ /---l/ \ |/ \/ l/ \/ l/ /-\___ \ _ _ _ _/ / \_ l\ \ / \_ /___/ / \_ _ _ _ \\\\___ _»\______/_______/__/_______/___ _ _/\ _ _ __//// --------------------------------------------------- \/ ----------------- ·---------------------------------------------------------------------------· well here is my usual big shitload of text at the start, but i will try to keep it relevant. First and foremost i would like to dedicate this collieo to my great friend and group mate... U-MAN/ARTCORE ...you are truely one of the greatest guys in the scene, and probably the very best ascii artist! Also aplogies to all the guys i was getting in touch with over the past weeks after a long time, i cant call anymore, but if you have internet access (everyone should!) you can catch me in #amigascne. To contact me for requests send email to: pagan@starvision.sv.net.au (nb: this address is only temporary, so if you get no reply its because i have moved accounts! Okay and here is another of my usual excuses, this collection is shamefully small, but i released loads of old logos in my last one because dartagnan had done so many more logos than me and i wanted it to be about even :) so here are some newbies! -countzero/artcore/origin/shoot/honey - the rooniac. ·---------------------------------------------------------------------------· diga diga doo diga doo doo, diga diga doo diga doo. *** COMMERCIAL BREAK *** COMMERCIAL BREAK *** COMMERCIAL BREAK *** Just a shameless promotion for the wonderful new ArtMag from Road Hogz! It is surely the best thing that ever happened to the ascii scene! So what are you waiting for? Vote for artcore today! :) *** COMMERCIAL BREAK *** COMMERCIAL BREAK *** COMMERCIAL BREAK *** no design, no order, just raw ascii (and bugger all of it) - homeless . : : - -+ _ _ _ _ - -+-- - ¦ __/\ __j \ _ __/\ __j \ _ __/\ __j \ _ __/\ __j \ _ ¦ _ __:___ ___/ \__l__\ \__/ \ __ \ \__/ \ l _\ \__/ \_ __ \ \__ : · _______ \ \ | \ \ / \ ________/_____·___ __ _ _ _:__ ___ _ | \_ l \_ \_/ \_ l : ¦ \_____| __/______ __/___| __/____ _ ____ __¦_ _ - +------------l_____/------\_____/------l_____/------\_____/------+ ¦ _ _ _ ¦ : __/\ __. __/\ __j \ _ __/\ __j \ ___ _/\ __j \ ___ : _ __·____\_/ \_ l______/ \_ __ \ \___/ \ ____\__/__/ \ ____\__/____ _:__ _ _ \ | \_ _________/__________ \___________ · _ _._ _____ _ l \_ l ¬\_ l \_ l _ ____:_ __ _ : \________ __/_____ __/_______ __/_______ __/ ¦ - -+-----------\_____/-----\_____/-------\_____/-------\_____/------+- - c0!-: · -aC!. - dial hard _ _ _ __/\ __j \ _ ___j \ ____ __/\ __j \ _ ___/\ ___. \_/ \___ \_\______\___/___/ \_____\_\___/ \_ l____ . _/ | \ \_ _____ \ \ | \_ . : \______ | \__________/_____| \_____ | \_ : - -+-- ------\ l __/---- ----------| __/---\ l __/--+- - ¦ \______/ l_____/ \_____/ ¦ : __. _ _ _ : · __/\/ l____ __/\ __j \ _ __/\ __j \ _ __/\ __j \ _ · : \_/ \_ __ \__/ \_____\_\__/ \_____\_\___/ \___ \_\_ · : _/ \ | \ _____ \ __________/ | \ : ¦ \_______| \____| \____| ¬\____ | \_ ¦ - +-------- -| __/---| __/---| __/--\ l __/--+-- - c0! & aC! l_____/ l_____/ l_____/ \______/ : - sky tower _ _ _ __/\ __j \ ___ _/\ __j \ _ _ __/\ __j \ _ . \_/ \ ____\__/__/ \ _l__\ \_____/ \ l \ \_ : : . (________ \_ _________/_________ \\ - +-----------+-- - : ______ | \\_____| ¬\_____ | \_ ¦ sky tower : -+--- ---\ l __/----| __/---\ l __/--+-----------+- - : \____/\/ l____/\/ \____/\/ ¦ ¦ _ _ _ _ : :_ __/\ __j \ _____/\ __j \ _ ___/\ __j \ _ __/\ __j \¦_ _ __/\ __j \ _ \_/ \_____\_____/ \ ____\ \___/ \ _l_ \ \____/ \_ ___\ \____/ \_____\ \___ _/ \_ | \\ / _ \ \\_ ________/ ___________/ \_______ \\____ | \_____| \____ | ¬\______| ¬\_ - +----\ __/--\ l __/----| __/--\ l __/-----| __/ : c0! \___/\/ \____/\/ l____/\/ \____/\/ l____/\/ . aC! ¦ ¦ - -+-----------+-- - : : · - flip fantasia . : . -_-+-------------+- _ _ __/\ __j \¦_______/\ ___¦ __/\ __j \ ______/\ __j \ _____ \_/ \_________\___/ \ l_______/ \_____\___/__/ \ ____\ \__ . _/ ___) \ | \_ ¬\_ ________/ . : \___________l _ _______ | \_____________/_________l : - -+-------------¦-----------\ l __/-------------------------------+- - · : \______/ : ................. :......... ...:..... ......... ........ .... ......... ::::::.. ......:::::::: :::::: ::::::: ......::::::::...... .... ......:::: :::::: :::::: :::::::: :::::: ::::::::::::: ::::.... :::::::::::::::: :::: :::::: ::::::.:::::::: :::::: :::::::::::::.::::::::.::::::::::::::::.:::: . : : : : flip : . - +----:--------- ---:----+- - c0! ¦ : fantasia : ¦ : ¦ ¦ : : +-------------+ : aC! ¦ ¦ - -+--------- -------------+- : · - dark sun _ _ _ _ __/\ __j \ _ __/\ __j \ _ __/\ __j \ _ __/\ __j \ _ \_/ \___ \_\__/ \_____\_\__/ \_ ___\_\___/ \ _l__\ \__ . _/ | \ ______ \ _________/ _________/ . : \_____ | \____| \____| ¬\_____| ¬\_ : - +------\ l __/---| __/---| __/----| __/-+- - : \_____/\/ l_____/ l_____/ l_____/ ¦ _ _ _ : /\ __j \ _____/\ __j \ _ __/\ __j \ _ · _______________/ \_ ___\__/__/ \ | \ \__/ \_____\ \_ : ______________________ \_ | \_ | \ : __________________ | \___ | \____| \_ ¦ - +-----------\ l __/-\ l __/---| __/---------+ - c0! : \_____/\/ \_____/\/ l___/\/ : aC! · - road hogz _ _ _ _ __/\ __j \ _ __/\ __j \ _ __/\ __j \ _ __/\ __j \ _ \_/ \_____\ \___/ \ ___\ \___/ \_____\ \___/ \_____\ \_ . _/ __________/ | \ _____ \ | \ . : \_______| ¬\____ | \_____| \____ | \_ : - -+-------+--| __/--\ l __/----| __/--\ l __/--+-- - ¦ ¦ l___/\/ \____/\/: l___/\/ \____/\/ ¦ : : _ _ · _ _ : : __/\:__j \ _ __/\ __j \ _ :_/\ __j \ _ _______j \ _ · · \_/ \__l__\ \___/ \ ___\ \_:_/ \___ \ \___________\ \__ : : _/ _____ \ | \ |______/ ________/ : ¦ \_______| \____ | \____ | ¬\____ | ¬\_ ¦ - -+--- ---+--| __/--\ l __/--\ l __/--\ l __/--+- - : : l___/\/ \____/\/¦ \____/\/ \____/\/ : c0! : : · aC! : its in art we trust ! : ¦ ¦ - +-----------------------+-- : · - art mag _ _ _ __/\ __j \ _ __/\ __j \ _ _/\ __j \_____ \_/ \_____\ \___/ \_____\ \___/ \_____\___/ . _/ _____ \ __________/ \_ +------- --------------+ : \_______| \_____| ¬\_____ \_ ¦ : ¦ - -+----------| __/----| __/---\ __/-+-+-- : ¦ l___/\/ l___/\/ \___/\/ ¦ ¦ : : _ _ _ : : . : __/\ __j \ _ __/\ __j \ _ __/\ __j \ _ · : : · \_/ \ l \ \___/ \_____\ \___/ \_____\ \__ : · : : _/ \___/ \ _____ \ l______/ : : · ¦ \_______| \_____| \____ | ¬\_ ¦ ¦ : -+---- -----| __/----| __/--\ l __/-+-+- - : : c0!..aC! l___/\/ l___/\/ \____/\/ ¦ · ¦ +-------- --------- ---+ - energy _ _ _ __/\ __j \ _ __/\ __j \ _ __/\ __j \ _ _ \_/ \ ___ \ \___/ \____ \ \___/ \ ___ \ \__ _/\ __j \ _ _/ _________/ | \ ________/ _/ \ ___ \ \__ \______ | ¬\_____| \____ | ¬\_ ________/ - -+---\ l __/----| __/--\ l __/_____| ¬\_ : \______/ l_____/ \______/ | _/ · l_/\___j \ _ \_/ \___ \ \__ _/ |______/ \______ | ¬\_ · e · n · e · r · g · y · \ l _ __/ __/\ _j \_/ \_/ \ l \ \_ /______ \ _ __ _____ _________________________________________________ | \_ \ l __/ c0!©aC! \______/ thats the end of the artwork! now for some greetings! Personal regards go to: u-man, twister, tango, stain, qen, dartagnan, kurgan, psyche, road runna lord-chaos, krypton, felon, 2fast, zephyr, sasha, rhys, eurex, calypso vegas, bowen, and everyone in #amigascne. Ascii respects go out to only the best, who are: u-man h2o karma danzig tango 2fast gozz skin stezo* desert shape-changer rubyx terminal-silence trinity phase manta mouge stylez sal-one xcluziwe metal-basher maz rotox sy-klone red-devil misfit dartagnan red skin nup! and all members of : art - arclite - pro arts - dzain - dezign - l-e-d Guest artworks: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - logo artist - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - count-zero dartagnan - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - artcore mogue - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - origin treach - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - honey nup! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - file id treach - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - artcore #2 splat - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - [ Everyones favorite part... ] [ the messages! ] . - --------------------+------------------------------------------------ - U-Man/Artcore/Honey ¦ eh! i hear you are a greatbigpowerful sysop now! : I will call you as soon as i can mate! or catch . you in IRC! p.s. please do me a 'hohoho' logo! - --------------------+------------------------------------------------ - Qen/Honey : nice to be onboard mate, catch you in IRC. - --------------------+------------------------------------------------ - Dartagnan/Honey : 2 cols in 1 month, i am impressed :) - --------------------+------------------------------------------------ - Kurgan/Clique ¦ you surely are my #1 uploader of ascii packs :) . never failing to relieve the boredom. - --------------------+------------------------------------------------ - Stain/Honey : Going to start another board or just be a trader? ¦ catch you around someplace! get a net account! - --------------------+------------------------------------------------ - H2o/Artcore/Honey : Thanks for that ansi logo, its very nice! - --------------------+------------------------------------------------ - Zen/Road Hogz : Bah! Get some means of voting through the internet, ¦ like an art-mag web page or something, because . otherwise many dont get to vote! - --------------------+------------------------------------------------ - Warhammer/Honey : Bah shoot your silly rebooting server :) - --------------------+------------------------------------------------ - Tango/Origin/Artcore : Diga diga doo as per usual. - --------------------+------------------------------------------------ - Maz/Delirium · Hey porkchop! do me a midnite logo please! catch : ya in IRC. - --------------------+------------------------------------------------ - Rotox : As above. - --------------------+------------------------------------------------ - Nup/Pro Arts : Nice work, please do a count-zero logo for me! - --------------------+------------------------------------------------ - Sal-One/Trsi : Well my return was rather shortlived :) - --------------------+------------------------------------------------ - Twister/Origin ¦ Get a net account mate! its a must! - --------------------+------------------------------------------------ - Danzig/Arclite : Congratulations on your winnings! - --------------------+------------------------------------------------ - Mogue/Artcore . hehe sorry for writing your name as Mouge in my ¦ last collection :) - --------------------+------------------------------------------------ - Treach/Artcore : Love that count-zero logo mate. - --------------------+------------------------------------------------ - Everyone else . Vote for artcore in the roadhogz charts! it ¦ makes us feel good :) - --------------------+------------------------------------------------ - : . :: :: .:. ..:::::.. . :::: :::: .:::··· ·::: ::: :::: ::::: .:::· ·::: ::· .... .-splat--- - - ::: :: .::· ::: ::: ...:::::··· |::·· ::· ::: · ::: .::::::·· |· .::· ·:: . .::· ..::::·· ¦ .::· :: .:::· .::· .::::·::· · : ::: ::. ...::::· .:::· .::·· ::: : .::· ......::::::··:::· .:::: · ::: ...::::· ¦ .:::::::::::::::::::··::: ::: .:· ·:::. :::...:::::·· .| .:::· :::..::: · ·:::. ·::::··· ..::| ·::::· ·:::. - - ---÷-e^d-' _, __ __ __ ·· :::: (· (___(__)( (_/__ ·) :::: :: :: :: . . : ¦ U-MAN · TREACH · TANGO · H2O ¦ | STYLEZ · RAPID · MR.VAIN | | MANTA · COUNT ZERO · 2fAST | `-- -- -+- ------------- - --- ' To contact me either send EMail to pagan@starvision.sv.net.au or catch me in #amigascne! or those poor lambs who dont have net access can reach me on any of these great boards... _ __ ___ _|_ ____\_ _ ____ | <- 2F--- -- - ----------- +- -- `--.\__)|\ '|\__, \__/\ `--.\__/l__\|> /__| \ /__| | ARTCORE WORLD HEADQUARTER LOCATION: GERMANY SYSOP : MARIO/TRSI NODES : 5 TO MEET : sTYLEZ, 2fAST, tREACH, mR.vAIN, mOGUE _|_ ______ _ ____ |____ _ _ <- 2F--- -- - ----------- +- -- ------ -\ )\__/\ | )\__/,|\__/,`--.`--.> | /__|/__| ARTCORE EUROPEAN HEADQUARTER LOCATION: GERMANY SYSOP : -SLIME!/BIRDHOUSE NODES : 1 (2ND WILL COME VERY SOON) TO MEET : mOGUE, 2fAST ___ __ _ ____ | __ ____ _|_ <- 2F--- -- - ----------- +- -- ------ - \ '(__\\__/\__/,|(__\\ /(__/> | ARTCORE GERMAN HEADQUARTER LOCATION: GERMANY SYSOP : H2o/ARTCORE NODES : 1 TO MEET : H2o, 2fAST, tREACH __ ____ _ _|_ __ _ ____ _____|_ _______ <- 2F--- -- - --------\__)l__\\ /|`--.\ )\ | )\__/,\ /\__, |\ /\__,> \ /__| ARTCORE DISTRIBUTION SIDE LOCATION: GERMANY SYSOP : SIEGEL/TRSI NODES : 1 TO MEET : rAPID, sTYLEZ, 2fAST _|_ __ | _|_ __ ___ _|_ <- 2F--- -- - ----------- +- -- ------ -- -(__/|(__\| \ )(__\\ '(__/> | ARTCORE SWISS HEADQUARTER LOCATION: SWITZERLAND SYSOP : FURY/PRESTIGE NODES : 5 TO MEET : mOGUE, 2fAST ________ _ ____ ___ ____ _|_ __ _|_ |____ _ <- 2F--- -- - --------\ /\__/ \__/\__/,\__|\__/,\__,(__\\__)|\__/,`--.> .--' | /__| ARTCORE DUTCH HEADQUARTER LOCATION: THE NEATHERLANDS SYSOP : JAKE/PRESTIGE NODES : 2 TO MEET : mOGUE, 2fAST ___ \_ ____ __ | __ _ __ __ ___ _|_ <- 2F--- -- - ----------- +- -- -----\ |\ /(__\| |\ | )\__)(__\\__,\__, | \ ARTCORE SWEDEN HEADQUARTER LOCATION: SWEDEN SYSOP : STAIN/CLASSIC NODES : 1 (2ND WILL SOON COME) TO MEET : u-mAN, mANTA, tANGO, cOUNT zERO, 2fAST __ _ _|_____ _|_ ____ <- 2F--- -- - ----------- +- -- ------ -- --- \ | )|(__/\ /|\__,\__/,> ARTCORE AUSTRALIAN HEADQUARTER LOCATION: AUSTRALIA SYSOP : COUNT ZERO/ARTCORE NODES : 1 TO MEET : cOUNT zERO, tANGO _ |_/_ _|_ _____ ____ ___ <- 2F--- -- - ----------- +- -- ----`--.| /\__| \__,\__/\_|_)\__/,\ '> /__| .--' ARTCORE DENMARK HEADQUARTER LOCATION: DENMARK SYSOP : ENZO/PRESTIGE NODES : 3 TO MEET : 2fAST _ ____ __ ___ ____ _ _|_ _|_ _ _ <- 2F--- -- - -----------`--.\__/,(__\\__|l__\\__/,`--.\__, (__/`--.\__/ /__| | /__| /__| ARTCORE LEADER HEADQUARTER LOCATION: GERMANY SYSOP : 2fAST/ARTCORE NODES : 1 (2ND AND 3RD COMING VERY SOON) TO MEET : sTYLEZ, H2o, 2fAST, tREACH @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _________ ____ _ ___ __ _____\_____ _|______ ____ __ ___ __\/____ .\--» ___/ .\ ___/______ _/___/__\/\/__/ : \__________:_| \ «-/---------TRE!--. `------------l____________/----------------' ¦ artcore presents a new collection from : ¦ countzero, dedicated to the wonderful . : u-man of artcore & honey & g'force! ¦ `----------------------------[·aRT-cORE!-]-' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ Sat Aug 12 11:16:06 1995 __ ._ __ (__ | ) (_/__ _________________..::::. _ _________ _________ .___\ / .:::·· .::·__________ ________.____ ./__\ / | \ / | . .::· /___. _/ _____| _/ _/ \_\ / | \ \ / ' __::.:::_\__ _ __/_ |__\___ __l__. \ / \ / | \ /_______/ ::::· \____ ___/ | / \ ' |___\_____/\ / l____\ /[rLf] .::::::. \____/\___ . __/_______| oS!l___\ / \/ : ··::::... \__|__/ \/ · ···· p a l a c e * MOT!ON HQ * * TRADERS DREAN HQ * * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ * * DREAMCHART HQ * * HOODLUM DK HQ * * DATA DIVISION EHQ * * PUZZLES HQ * a4ooo/o4o/25/2.5Gb/1x33.6DS/1x28.8DS/1x16.8DS Amiga/Ascii/Consol/PSX tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn ZINKO^PLAYMATE^SISko^BILBO BAGGIn^NEIL/FLT^LABEL/LSD-DD UFOK/MsT^LsD^PsG^iHS^FURY/PSG/M!/SYS/HLM^DELIVERYMAN <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0> _______._ _._ <<(· THE YARD ·)>> \ . ______ _______ ____._ ¡/ \ |_ / / ___ \ _____\ ¡ | 1\36k6 sLOT·2\iSDN sLOTS _\ (__\\____/__\ /______\ _/ \ | | 4\iSDN sTATIC tELNET sLOTS /__________________/ /________\mt^lp| | aMIGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·iBM _ ________ _ ____ ________ | | aSCii·liNUX·hiPHOP·dAYdREAM \ \ /// ________./ ¡\ / | | aEROHOLiCS·dISCIPLES oF aGEEMA \ \____/ _ /¡ _|_\ \__| | sOiA·lP!·oMEN·aRCADE·pUREpHUN \ \ \____\ \!___/ \____/ _!___ ______ ________________________\_____\__/________: \____________._ · \\ \\ ________________\ ! \_____\\______________\ cONTACTING: · zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·