Although some considered party as a big bore, I think that they were quite GOOD...! There was a pizzeria and a shop quite near the school... the shop ran out of Coke and the pizzeria out of pizza material after a couple of days of partying (cool!). Boozing was not allowed so there was no special trouble at the party about it... although the megamighty Bloodsuckers and Accession didn't care about that... they put up some nice acts like burning Sweden's flag and wiping it to their asses & taking some McDonald's BIG flags with them... the only serious problem during the party was that some guy (who was identified as some Aurora sysop) set some firecrackers on fire inside the school and the fire alarm went on. The fireworx and the police came and the party was going to stop unless the guilty one would show up. Anyway he showed up and the party went on, and I'm not sure whether the Aurora guy got anything to pay...  Party stuff wasn't a problem. I got a total of 7 disx of small execute-file-demos and 10 disx of whole disk prods... The only thing I would have needed was a PHONELINE... luckily Teeze/(A) (I think) supplied some modem wares to the party... at the beginning we got Super Cars 2 as the Company crack (didn't work properly) and everybody was wwearing & sweating around it... the Hyperion version came a litu( $" #u, u *5 - 5!$# , :___H5uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuzúzzzzz&.* ,* &