Here you have the final results. Check downloads for releases! (some entries are only available in ide64 plugin format yet... runable versions soon...) Remix 1. Billig Oel - Drax vs. Vincenzo - Vincenzo 2. Prolyx69 - Necropolo 3. ATF - Teo Music 1. Wanderer - da Blondie (C64) 2. Summerset - Necropolo (C64) Graphic 1. Determinism - Shaen/Style (C64) 2. Flowers - Leon (C64) 3. Art of dragon - Unreal (C64) 4. Falia - Amn (C64) 5. This world is mine - Necropolo (C64) 6. Dinner - Grass (C64) 7. Gangsta chimp - r0m (Spectrum) 8. Tél - Balázs (C64) 8. Glass effect - Sebaloz (C64) 8. Este - Balázs (C64) Demo 1. Oldschool 2 - Assassins (plus4) 2. Sabrina digi - Csio + Luca (plus4) 3. Stihl's letter - API (C64) 4. there was a funny Graphic Basic entry here Outside of the compos, an ETFE (Enhaced The Final Ethernet) version of GeoLink was released at the party. You can find it among the releases.