" THiS FiLE FOUND THE WAY THROUGH ONE OF THE FiNEST BULLETiN BOARD SYSTEMS " _ _____ ___ ______ )_ __ _| (___) _ )_ __/__) (_ | |___/ _ ___ | |___| |__ · _____________ _ c!|______|mSS|____| |______ _ _ _____________ · _ _:_\ ____ ____ _____ ____ /_:_ _ | ___\ (_ ___\ (_ __\_ (_ __\ (_ | | _) _/ /___) _ /___) _/ /___) _ /__ | | / \ / \_ / \ / / / | | \___ \_____/ \____\ \__ \ \ | | \ _______\ /______\ \ ___\ \_______\ | | \/ \/ | | | | ÷ THE YARD BULLETiN BOARD SYSTEM ÷ | | | | - -------------------- - | | | | WORLD HEADQUARTERS OF | | | | AEROHOLiCS (GRAFFiTi) ÷ DiSCiPLES OF AGEEMA (MUSiC) | | ARCADE (ASCii) ÷ AEROSOL (ASCii) ÷ SOUL SURViVORZ (MP3) | | THE ASCii CHARTS (ASCii) | | | | GERMAN HEADQUARTERS OF | | | | LiGHTFORCE (AMiGA/CONSOLE) ÷ BAD KARMA (AMiGA) ÷ UP ROUGH (MUSiC) | | LOW PROFiLE (ASCii) ÷ SiCK OF iT ALL (GRAFFiTi/DRUGS) | | VORTEX (AMiGA) ÷ PHUNK (ASCii) ÷ 1OO PERCENT (AMiGA/ASCii) | | UP ROUGH (MUSiC) ÷ MOST VALUABLE PLAYAZ (MUSiC) | | OMEN (GRAFFiTi) ÷ MENACE (DAYDREAM) ÷ PUNGAS (DAYDREAM) | | | | - -------------------- - | | | | CONSOLES/AMiGA/ASCii/LiNUX/DAYDREAM | | GRAFFiTi/DRUGS/CLASSiCS/MP3/MOD/CHiPTUNES | | | | 2 NODES 33k6 / 2 NODES iSDN / 4 NODES TELNET | | | | STATiC TELNET iP | | | | DAYDREAM/LiNUX DEVELOPMENT TEAM HEADQUATERS! | | | | ZANER/LFC^BK^AHS^A!^SOiA -/- DiPSWiTCH/BK^A!^AHS^1OO% | | HASH/AHS^PZK^SOiA -/- NiNJA/PDX^HS -/- MOOL/AHS | | | _ _|__ " THE iDEA OF STYLE iS THE KEY TO ALL FORMS OF ROCKiNG " __|_ _ · /_______________________________________________________________\ · @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _____ _____ _____ · ___\\_ \_\\_ /__ _\\_ /__ diP/a! · -:- \ / / _/ // _/ /---------:- : / _ / \ \_ \____/ · aRF · : : /____\____\ __\_____/_____\ -----------:- : : : CCCamp'99 partyreport by friedbits/aRF : : : -:----------------------------------------:- · ·@END_FILE_ID.DIZ aRF at Chaos Communication Camp '99 - Party Report Written by friedbits of aRF asoziale Randgruppe Frankfurt non serviam Well, the Chaos Communication Camp surely was an event lots of us in the H-scene and other affiliated ppl were looking forward too, and to tell you in advance, it surely made up to all expectations and even exceeded them. Alot of well-known groups were attending it, especially from europe of course, e.g. the ADM-crew, deep, Teso, aRF of course, some cDc members and others. It was Well, beginning with the trip, the party location in Altlandsberg was easy to find, and it was actually a very good location for the camp. The first thing you got to see after arriving at the parking lot and paying your entrance fee (about 75 EUR, 150 DEM) were the blue and red neon lights distributed all over the camp site like a star leading to the landing ground of the rocket. For those of you who don't know it, the story behind the camp was that the heart of gold, a spaceship from douglas adams 'the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy needed aid in repairing their spaceship, and so the came to us in a small rocket :) The rocket model was like 10m high and made of metal. Distributed all over the camp ground were mobile toilets, which housed the switches and hubs for the network. The network featured a switched 100Mbits connection for the whole campground and 34Mbits to the internet via a WaveLan connection sponsored by Deutsche Telekom. According to CCC sources it was the fastest mobile inet- connection ever to be used for non-military actions. The Camp area was split into several sections. There was the big main tent were we from aRF settled down - it was called the hackcenter. But a lot of ppl decided to bring their own tents, which of course adds alot of additional fun... Those single tents grouped to special interest clusters like the crypto village or the linux.de village. Smaller tents were made available for the lockpicking ppl, 2 for the workshops, 1 for cracking , 1 for art and beauty and 1 for quake-playing lamers (who the hell pays 150DM to play quake?) The first positive impressions about the camp were that all ppl were pretty friendly and open-minded... it was no problem at all to get to know many people who shared your interests and other. Only a few minutes after arri- ving i got to know a few other amiga users e.g. :) It's actually hard to describe, but through the whole camp there was an atmosphere of friendship and welcome. The food support featured almost only vegetarian and vegan food, what I especially liked :) others not, an american asked for 'normal food' everywhere after he discovered that the burgers were made of tofu... Especially nice were the milk-shakes and the waffles:) But getting weed and other stuff was easy too, you just had to ask for special-waffles and the waffle desk :) The main events were the workshops for sure, featured events were sports like lock-picking for beginners, serious topics such as IPsec implementations and fun stuff like a guy who factorized a 12 digit number with- out any computer/calculator aid. You can find the listings at https://www.ccc.de/camp I'll give a brief resume of the workshops I visited: Reverse engineering: Held by Fravia from France... I visited this workshop though some ppl from the cracking scene told me Fravia is not really respected. While his workshop was enter- taining it was not really helpful, only for ppl who didn't know in advance what assembly language is. Lock-picking: I visited this one out of curiosity, and because I won- dered how hackers get the idea to open real locks... After only a few minutes I had opened my first lock, a type that is used for front doors, which surely made me think :) Nice parallel from IT security to the real world... Factorization of Large Numbers: A nice and small workshop in which everyone was asked to do a little math to complete the problem. Factor- ization is a problem needed to crack some crypto-algoritms. The dude called Lutz who held the workshop showed some different mathematical approaches and one which we were actually able to complete just with pen and paper on a 12 digit number. Conspiracy Theories: This workshop was mainly fun. A discussion on how conspiracy theories work, why they are so popular and how we can detect on ourselves wether we believe in them, or how we can help ppl to flee from those mind constructs. This was especially of interest for germans, as the movie 23 about the hacker Karl Koch was released recently. Karl Koch killed himself in 1989 because he beliefed he was being used by a con- spiracy to destroy the world. The workshop was one of the few to be held in german language only. Careerpunks - hacking your career: This workshop was very controverse as a few of the Cypherpunk guys who held the workshop defended their position that it doesnt matter if you work for the military or big trusts as long as you get your money... The other main event of course was the Linux deathmatch. 4 teams took part, among those the friends from Teso, a CCC team and ADM. The aim of every team is to keep services on their server up and running and at the same time attacking the other teams. The teso team had a nice tool to cancel IP connections from other servers, and would have won for sure, but the tool was forbidden during the match, because they also attacked the rating server with it indirectly. This way the CCC team made it, only a few points in front of ADM, who made most of their points in the end, and would have won if the match had lasted longer. Other funny stuff that occured was that sl0ppy exploited a Telekom server and sniffed through approximately 3GB of email :) and the ADM crew who had a non-public DoS- attack against all Windows based hosts which made them BlueScreen... Good that I run NetBSD, BeOS and AmigaOS :) All in all i gotta say again that the camp was a very friendly event and that it was nice to talk and hang out with all the ppl you meet everyday on IRC. The camp was really a holiday for hackers. I will for sure not forget how i boozed and smoked weed with the Teso doods in the middle of the night under the rocket which featured a fog machine which made it even funnier, and of course the magic mushrooms we ate :) Talking of fun, there were also always some CCC members disguided as aliens for example offering services like back-massages for tooth-paste :) Another thing to mention is 'radio intergalaktik 93,9 FM' the camp radio, which offered easy to listen music 24/7 via FM and mp3stream. The one last thing I want to tell about are the Competitions that were held. There was a reverse engineering competition, which was won by someone who reversed the OS of a cell phone. The lucky dude won a reconfigurable SMS card, of which only 8 are known to exist. The other compo was about modelling the heart of gold with 3D software, which I won ;). My price will be the model plotted by a 3d printer, a very expensive device that builds 3d-models out of plastic. If you didnt make it to the Camp 99, make sure you'll be there in 2k. You've missed the event of the year, if not more. Greets fly out to nonc, zappa, mars, sinus, fat16_error, oxigen, Edi, typo, Teso, #hack on IRCnet, b4b0, the_yard BBS, FHD-Box, Cybet, Tudor^TBL, Cyclone^Abyss, harle and all the others out there. The DAU of the month is kaot^THC for ripping our shell code and connection routines w-out giving proper credits. I can be reached at the_yard bbs or at lamerhq@gmx.de. . . _____: . O o O _____|_____. _____ .) |____o [ t . H . E - y . A . R . d ]_o . _| / .|_____/_ /_ : _ | : \ / |/ / _// \ ahs.bgirl.arcade.srz.tac.asl.lfc.bk.lp! | |____/|____/ /__________\ up.soia.pnk.omn.mce.1oo.vtx.pvm.mvp HQs | /______/ _ _: _____ ______ __________ ________: \\\. / /__________\_ /_/ _ // ._ /. consoles.amiga.graffiti.mp3 ! / /| / _ \ / / |/ | ascii.mp3.modules.chiptunes |/_____ /____\_______\___\________________| classicgames.linux.drugs.dd :_ t^/____/ _. one of the finest in +49! | (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______: _ _ ___) (_) : #1 33k6. #2 28k8. #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet #8 telnet